Sunday, November 30, 2008
Play to the world .
Went library at bukit merah to borrow books in the afternoon. Was supposed to go out in the evening as it was about to rain. In the end, those cloudy dark clouds were away within a few minutes. lols. That was LUCKY. :D Lunched at the nearby market. Sat there for around 10 minutes. Kept thinking of what to eat. OMGGG lars. You know, I had my breakfast finished at 10. It was a
heavy one. And we had lunch after 2 hours. :/ Anyway, still managed to get a random meal like chicken rice. HAHA. Headed to the library then. Took a lift to 2nd floor. Met afiq. Saw him walking around the shelf. Kinda shocked. hahas.
Went supermarket to buy stuffs again. Then homed. Alrights, shall enjoy my spaghetti now. :)
7:21 PM
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Play to the world .
Was supposed to have the opportunity to sleep longer. Don know why, there was someone who switched off the aircon sooooooooooo early, which made me felt extremely uneasy lars. GRRR. Woke up at 8.30am in the end. Well, I am still feeling fatigued. -.- Bought 2 cups of mashed potatoes at 7-eleven 3 days ago. Original & BBQ. Both cost the same price. It tasted good though. But not so irresistible than the KFC's. HAHA.
Relative's house tonight. Will not blog more today. It's TIRING.
12:55 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Play to the world .
Such a boring day today. :( Woke up late and missed my TV show this morning. OMG. Ate my breakfast, did my chores and headed up to yishun again. Okay, I know I have already been there for 2 times. Well, this was the 3rd time. BORING. -.- Lunched at the nearby coffee shop. Was looking at those stalls and saw Mr Lai walking pass beside me. hahas. So surprised lars. Also saw Mrs lai at their seats. But didn't see her face, only her back. x.x Went supermarket to my stuffs that was needed. Happened to see a cutie little chirstmas boots filled with candies inside. it was definally not cheap. Liked the design of the boots. lols. Homed at 3pm. And will be watching the 45th Anniversary Gala on channel 8 soon. Can't be waited mans. :D
3:26 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Play to the world .
Woke up at 7am today. Anyway, could suppose to have my sweet dreams longer, such a waste to be awake in an
early morning. :( But the past few days were super slack. Have been slept until like 11am. HAHA. Perhaps I should not maintain this kind of routine, will make me feel
more fatigued lars. XD Well, was trying to think of something to do about while at home, rotting. Awwwwww. Hate school holidays okays. All I can do is just watch VCDs or simply stare at the com for a couple of hours. Grr. Isn't there anything that will entertain me for a entire day? Alrights, feeling a bit pissed now. lols. Unless I can have the money to buy a PSP for my chirstmas gift then. That will be certainly great. :D
Shall smuggle some snacks now. Yishun library tonight!
for sure.
1:36 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Play to the world .
Went shopping with elizabeth today. Headed to yishun northpoint, as for a
new building linked to it. That place was totally spectacular lars. Like much much better than the old northpoint. hahas. Did bought quite a lot of things for me. Also had a new top in john little for me and her too. Well, she bought 2 of them. LOL. Walked around the mall for some time. It
really had lots of shops going around there. Had break at mac. But it didn't come for real. Alright, I was supposed to have a wasabi meal. And the cashier told me 'Sorry, the promotion has ended.' Hmmmmmm. My expression was like T.T. Whatever. Off to pasar malam to buy some mouth-watering food instead. And I am still feeling a bit piss off okays. Cuz it's WASABI! One of my lovely favourite you know. :( Photoed and homed.

This was super candid lars. HAHA. :D
8:15 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Play to the world .
Woke up at 8.30am. Ate breakfast while watching the doraemon show. LOL. Multitask lars. :D Did my housework as usual. It's rather bored to do it
everyday. hahas. Had my fried prawn noodles especially cooked by my daddy. And it tasted absolutely delicious okayyy! ^^ Then began to rot at home until we can go out during the evening. Siann. :(
3:39 PM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Play to the world .
Woke up at 6.45am today. That's early I know. lols. Switched on the com for a while to get me tired. So that I will have the chance to sleep again. hahas. Cuz, what for to wake up earlier if you didn't have things to do mans. x.x Off the com at 7.15am. Went back to my room and sleep again. Well, my eyes really got tired and it worked. :D Long hours later, for around 3 hours, woke up again. It was 10.10am. Saw mum making sushi halfway through. And I was like O.O lars. LOL. It indeed made me awake for my eyes to open. XD One thing that made me felt weird just now was how it went like this,
I was thinking, hmm, since it was a bit late to have for my breakfast, why don't I have sushi for my breakfast, as well as for my lunch right? Suddenly felt like having a cup of milo with the sushi. Uhhs, went puzzling now. What? Won't it taste weird? lols. :/ Cuz I have never been eating sushi with a cup of hot milo on.Okay, enough of this nonsense.
Will blog more soon.
12:58 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
Play to the world .
hahas. Didn't have time to blog yesterday night. Was tired during that time. Alrights, went to kallang leisure park in the evening. First, we had dinner in the market, then went in to the mall. The place was spectacular mans. LOL. :D As it was a kind of leisure area, definally it has places like bowling, ice staking, arcade and theatres. Well, when we headed up to the 3rd floor, where the bowling was, happened to meet christopher lee on the spot. omg he was so handsome lars. Totally different from what I saw from the TV. x.x Wanted to get close him but couldn't. It was awkward okay. -.- Off to the ice staking area. Didn't have the oppotunity to get in. Have to buy those tickets to see them skating. Grrrr. Back to level 1 then. Saw 1 shop that sold all those crystal ornaments. SPLENDID!! hahas. Was surprised to notice that they were also expensive, of course. XD And I guess when I make a comparison with shopping malls and leisure park, I prefer the 2nd one. :D
9:15 AM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Play to the world .
Well, I am SO tired to cooking okays. Just chef-ed for 2 hours and my hand was indeed very ached. Sigh. Anyway, perpared a lunch just by oneself was really a tough task. But it saved my effort that washing those dishes aren't my job then. lols. Will be rotting the whole afternoon at home before we go out later. Alright, shall be bore all the way from now on. Zzz.
1 more thing, I always feel like heading down to ngee ann city civic plaza to watch those contestants placing their hands for how long. It's day 2 now. Jiayous!
just let it goes.
2:01 PM
Play to the world .
Went out to hougang point yesterday night. It has been a long time when I last visited. hahas. It was a
window shop after all. But we did buy some sort of things lars. My brother managed to buy a doraemon comic book, with a fan given for
free! The design was filled with characters and it was simply awesome. :D Gone to japan home too. It was rather a huge shop. I mean, really that tremendous. It was almost around 3 times bigger than most other ordinary shops. lols. Glanced at most of their japan snacks, they were truely ex okays. And I thought that
everyone of them was worth a bigger value than other supermarkets. 1 hour passed, went in to the food court and had a indulge of supper. :) hahas. Nothing much and homed right after the break.
1:48 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
Play to the world .
Woke up at 10am today. Uhhs, much better than my previous days record lars. LOL. The lastest time that I woke up was like 11.30am. OMGGG. :O hahas. Was rather busy just now. Had to cook lunch for 3 people then. :( Fatigued okays. And while cracking 3 eggs, 2 out of 3 eggs were with 2 egg yolks inside! :D So lucky lars. It was rare too. But the thing was, the oil kept on poping to me. rahhhhs. It poped me 5 times in total mans. Pain lars. lols. Nothing to blog today. Just have to drink much water to get rid of the cough. Urghs.
first aid.
12:44 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Play to the world .
HAPPY 1ST MONTH ANNIVERSARY WEI XIN!! :Dhahas. Went up to yishun just now and celebrated my uncle's daughter's 1st month anniversary. It was crowded there indeed. lols. Over 30 invitees were here to have a buffet for lunch. Reached there at around 12.30pm. The food looked delicious and tasted not bad too. :) There were a total of 10 varieties to choose from. Like the fruit salad and the melon dessert. lols. It's sweet. :D Ate 3 cups of the dessert. HAHA. Didn't have the chance to take a photo of wei xin just now. Sigh. She was like keep on sleeping lars. Played with her for only a little while. Alrights, homed at 4pm.
8:35 PM
Play to the world .
Hmm, went out to bishan library to borrow books with my family. Reached there at about 7.45pm. hahas. Took not more than an hour and there goes my 4 books. For only one fiction book, 30 mins flew off and it really wasted a lot of time lars. Cuz the call number was not place in order, caused me to find that book slower. :( Anyway, also had a sumptuous supper at the coffee shop. Bought 20 sticks of
satay for the 4 of us. And we were so lucky that these were the last 20 sticks that were left. lols. Homed at 10pm.frusturated.
8:02 PM