Friday, September 26, 2008
Play to the world .
Sooooooooo pissed off today lars. lols. Just because of the heavy rain, we didn't have our PE lesson today. stay in class for self revision. Siann. :( 8 periods rotted inside the classroom, and the weather really made me freeze like siao lars. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Hahas, today's attendance was MARVELLOUS! :D No. of people never come, 19! Woots. Isn't that a record for this year? Well, if there is a award that says 'Most absentees of the class', we will be the champion, for sure.
Next monday, exams for the day. Mugging hard for my maths and science. They are real important.Study hard pals! :)
why. :(
3:36 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Play to the world .
Getting bored this few days. Sometimes feel like revising my work, but didn't have the mood to work on it. OMG. :( Was trying to concentrate on completing my task as quickly as possible and in the end, I felt so tired and feel like walking towards my lovely bed and Zzz. No matter what, I just want to say to myself;
'WAKE UP AND CONTINUE WITH YOUR WORK PLEASE!'HA. Wells, as for today, will be going out to shop in the late afternoon. Did physics just now, for only 3 pages. Will continue later. lols. :) And the weather these days are making me extremely warm and tired.
12:24 PM
Friday, September 19, 2008
Play to the world .
Woke up at 11am today. hahas. That seemed to break my previous record lars. :) PE yesterday and my energy was used up totally!! :( Wells, lie down on bed at 9.15, slept at 9.30. Tired mans. Was doing my maths revision just now. Exams are getting closer again. Around 9 days left. MUG hard everyone. :)
Nothing much to blog today. Just want to go out to refresh myself. Changed my blog song too. lols. ' Best advice' disagreed to post my previous song. 'Touch my body'. Suxx?
The new song was sang by the choir members. Really nice, and soothes. :D
3:34 PM
Play to the world .
Wowwwwwwwwwww! :D Rained heavily this morning, thought will be the same incident just like last friday, NO PE. :( But it got sunny after an hour. lols. This few days, stayed in class only for self revision.
siann lars. At least for today can get ourselves active under the sun. hahas. Alright, Mr Ong went obsinate again. The story went like this; When the whole class was walking down to the 1st floor, he noticed that there were 2 groups of students who went down by a different way. End up 1 of the group arrived first and the other gruop the last. He shouted at us, that we must always walk as a class, without being dispersed. Then, he punished us as to walk in the parade square for 2 rounds. OMG, thats soooo embarassing. x.x Played frisbee after that. It was really fun. Managed to catch it but most of the time were missed. Felt a bit disappointed lars, no free games at all today. Hope next week we are allow to play volleyball. Yeahhhs. :)Mother tongue lesson, boring. Did some worksheets during the 1st period, revise and slack for the 2nd period.
3:34 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Play to the world .
Shall be enjoying the rest of the day at BISHAN PARK! lols. :D We will always be playing fire sparkles lars. It was soooooo fun that I remembered that my brother even threw it high up to the tree. :O But wondered why did the tree never caught fire? Werid. hahas. Will be going park 2 soon, just as we have eaten dinner. After going home, there is nothing rather than MOONCAKES to indulge. Mmms. :b
These were the 2 photos that had taken yesterday at AMKhub. :)

This portion of cake was given to us when we had donated money. The cream was really thickening. yeahhhhs. :)
Had a glance out of the window just now, the weather simply looked bad. Hope it will not rain later. I want FIREWORKS!! ^^
4:52 PM
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Play to the world .
Woke up at 8.30am today. Tired mans. Didn't have the oppotunity to sleep longer as we have to go off at 10am to ICA building to collect passport with my brother. It's him, not me lars. hahas. Mine will be expiring in 2 years time. But just don't know why for his expired so fast than mine. It was still the same day when we registered. :S Anyway, booked at 11am. Went inside so many people crowding there. Waited for only 10 minutes for our turn. Yeahs. Collected and went to have lunch outside. Shopped around the neighbourhood too. Lcukily the rain has stopped during that time. Otherwise we might not have the chance to walk out along the streets to enjoy the breeze. :( Headed back to amk and hub-ed there to celebrate its birthday just now. Wells, it was 1 this year. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Saw the tremendous cake displaying at the stage. And OMG here was the information abot the cake that made me real surprised. :D
Info reguarding on this Singapore's NO. 1 biggest cake:Length: 5.5 metres.Width: 1.2 metres.Height: forgot. Around 20 cm.Weight: 500 kg.Shape: Rectangular.Colour: Mostly white.After singing the birthday song together, the onlookers were allowed to enjoy the cake unless we donated money to the charity. lols. Donated some and took the cake from them. It tasted simply DELICIOUS! ^.^ It was a long queue of people who were willing to try out the cake. :) Such a luuvve to this party today. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.
wonderful monents.
4:30 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
Play to the world .
Today was definally a boring day. Wells, PE lesson, it rained heavily that we can't have any outdoor activities held in parade square. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Kept thinking of playing volleyball but can't. :( Played badminton in the hall then. Did physical training too. Mr Ong asked us round 5 rounds around the canteen. He was like, very obsinate lars. ran the first round and started back from zero again. 2nd time still the same. So
kiam pa okay. In the end, we ran 7 rounds around that. -.- Hope it will not rain next friday again. I want sone SUNLIGHT! Mother tounge lesson, did some work. By right we could actually do some other stuffs like maths homework. Teacher kept giving us worksheets. Dangs. x.x Lentern festival in school tonight. Can't decide whether want to go. It's mooncake time. :)be calm.
2:11 PM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Play to the world .
Little tired this morning. 2 more weeks to the next paper. Still can't play a fool within these days until 8 Oct. You will imagine the feelings of jubilance and relaxation. lols. Went tiong babru market to have a lunch. The stalls were so many than other markets. Well, I prefer that better. Wide range of foods to choose for. :) Headed on to bishan library to borrow books. Perhaps this was the first time that I borrowed the fastest. hahas.
Bookworm-ed there for an hour. Shopped at J8, 'polar puff & cakes' and 'fairprice'. We got the vouchers for both of them. Yeahhs. $10 and $5 respectively. In the end we still exceeded the amount given, it was not FREE after all. :'( Sigh, school begins tomorrow, holidays really getting shorter.
5:27 PM
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Play to the world .
hahas. Wished him a happy birthday on the phone to give him a surprise. lols. Celebrated dad's birthday at pizzahut to have dinner just now. Went inside and saw many people getting induged to the food. yums. :b And the place was like splendid lars. At first, we thought to sing a birthday song out loud. In the end we didn't. lols. Birthday boy doesn't want it. Embarassing u know. HAHA. Ordered quite a number of food. Originally, we decided to choose starbitez feast. But the food will not make us full if we just ordered this. Anyway, here are photos that have taken before eating. :) It was simply delicious! YUMMY!
Wells, this was the first set that came in. Love the mayonnaise so much. Yeeps! :D 4 kinds of toppings added. Especially the prawn, liked it the most. :)
Curry chicken pizza. Supposed to order the Viva one. But it was only mend for delivery. Heart pain lars. :( Wanted to try the crust but didn't come to reality. Blehs. Anyway, this pizza as not bad too. But hawaiian is still the BEST. Woots.
Now for the grand finale. STARBITEZ CHEESEY EXTREME! The cheddar cheese was soooo nice lars. Dad said the starbitez was like a shoe. hahas. It really looks alike! ^^
Also bought the honey roasted wings. But too bad I forgot to take a shot of it! :( lols. After eating, shopped at toa payoh HDB hub. On the way there, saw someone performing a magic show on the stage. Went there to take a look. One of the trick made me stunned okays. Here is the one.
You can see the table actually went up on its own. OMG! So scary lars. Stunned for 10 secs. O.O lols. Went off aftr the show, headed on to popular to read some books. hehes. Also saw the zhou gong jiang gui CD by dennis chew. Kinda shocked by the girl covering herself with long hair. It was at the back of the CD. thought to buy it but decided not. LOL. Homed by 9.45pm.
9:49 PM
Friday, September 5, 2008
Play to the world .
hahas. Well, went to school to play volleyball with juliet today. The floor is definally wet. rahhhs. Too bad lars it rained in the morning. :( Head up to hall, saw Mr Ong having training with C girls i guess. No space to play. Waste time lars. Then went back home to have lunch. Decided to play badminton with my brother. At first, he wants volleyball. But we didn't have the ball lars. Played an hour with him under may's house. The wind just keep on coming and blow the shuttlecock away. Grrrrrrrrrr, prefer indoor the best.
the chance.
3:44 PM
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Play to the world . have a glance of this video just now. IF it really happens, I can imagine how terrible the situation will be. :S
a myth?
2:33 PM
Play to the world .
Had english paper 1 and 2 today. Superrrrrr nervous larrrrs! :O Paper 2 was like well, if you can do it, just try your best. OMG this word doesn't really help for my passage A. Dangs. The questions were just simply different compared to the one that I did previously. Don't know what other schools will think about the paper. Gonna be sooooooo ANXIOUS for the paper already lars. :( Please please please let me pass this paper okayyy?
SO, have to wait for another 3 weeks for our next paper. lols. Time to rest for a while. And I finally realise how precious time is. :/ Blehhhhhhs.
1:49 PM